Available C# bindings
The Xamarin AppConnect C# binding supports all the Objective-C APIs available in the AppConnect library with the following exceptions:
•APIs relating to getting upload status for tunneled HTTP/S requests
•Secure file I/O POSIX-style and Objective-C APIs
•The ACSensitiveData and ACSensitiveMutableData APIs
•The custom cryptography methods -derivedAppKeyWithIdentifier:error: and
•The -appConnect:openInAttemptedWhenACOpenInPolicyBlocked: callback method
•The -appConnectAttemptedDragAndDropToNonAppConnectApp: callback method
•The APIs relating to sharing secure files from an extension
•The APIs relating to the Open From policy (Note that the AppConnect library enforces the Open From policy)
The AppConnect C# binding provides documentation for each method, property and enumeration in HTML and in Monodoc format. You can also refer to the information in the Objective-C API descriptions in AppConnect for iOS API.